Total Knowledge for Everyone
"Let us mould your children's future and prepare them for leadership in the world"

Consciousness Based–Atma Based System of Ideal Education at Maharishi Vidya Mandir School integrates the theory and practice of Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field–the self-referral field of consciousness to achieve outstanding results. This system of education has already been tested, perfected and validated throughout the world. The following subjects are introduced at every grade level in schools in phases:

  • Maharishi Vedic Science
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Physical Education
  • Language
  • Arts
  • Music, Dance & Painting

Faculty and Students practice Transcendental Meditation Technique for a few minutes twice a day, before the class and after the class, thereby refreshing before entering the class and returning home fresh. Being a Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh affiliated school, we follow conventional curriculum in Hindi/Regional Language/English medium. In addition to this, provision has been made for learning Sanskrit as a compulsory subject. Students are also being given knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Science, Yog, Indian traditions and culture.